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Tips To Make Your Kit Build Steel Building Meet Your Needs

When businesses need to rapidly expand, an efficient and highly expedient solution is to order a prefabricated kit built steel frame building.

Not only is construction simple and fast, but the kits are robust, long-lasting and highly affordable, making them an ideal way to build up space for storage, fabrication or manufacturing.

However, not every business has the same needs when it comes to a building space, and often a company will need temporary office and administration space as part of its expansion.

With that in mind, here are some top tips to help your kit build stand out and meet all of your needs.

Try A Different Exterior

Most of the time, industrial workplaces are not entirely preoccupied with external appearances.

Indeed, the most practical design often presents a workshop as a place of action focused more on producing the best end-product for customers than how the externals look.

At the same time, however, a prefabricated steel building is compatible with a wide range of exterior finishes which can be far more amenable to the rest of the workspace and allows for the incorporation of glass fascias, brick, timber or even stuccowork.

This can help with brand cohesion and allows a steel frame to be used for more public-facing retail purposes.

Add Dividing Walls

Steel frame buildings are exceptionally strong and sturdy, allowing for a huge space profile without a reliance on central pillars to spread the weight and interfere with the installation of large industrial equipment or the storage of agricultural vehicles.

As well as this, it allows you to customise the space however you see fit, with a popular approach being to use floor-to-ceiling dividing walls to split the workspace into storage/industrial space and office space as required.

Add Windows

Most steel buildings are easily customisable and compatible with a wide range of walling accessories and solutions. Windows are no exception to this, and both large fixed shop-front glass and more traditional residential windows are perfectly suited for the purpose.

As kit buildings are standardised dimensions, ordering windows is far easier than you may expect and helps to expand the functionality of a space.

Focus On Lighting

It can be easy to treat both internal and external lighting as an afterthought depending on the ultimate function and expected lifespan, but it is important not to discount the effect quality

lighting has on security and comfort for the people working in a space.

Consider your purpose or purposes and plan your lighting system appropriately, especially if the kit build is likely to be more than a short-term arrangement.

Fit An Awning To Entrances

A lifesaver during typically rainy mornings, an awning roof helps to protect customers, guests and employees alike from the seasons, and adds an extra defining quality to your building by more clearly delineating the various elements of the new building.

Whether this takes the form of a simple overhanging canopy or a completely sheltered area, it can be highly effective at making your kit build more unique.


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Not sure what the options are? Download the handy document to see the possibilities and constraints of a portal frame building.




Still not sure? Contact us today and we'll make sure you have all the info you need to make an informed decision about your new building.


Phone: 01757 289 067


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Cabinlocator Ltd.

Company Number: 7205585

VAT No. 911307857

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Proudly created by Will Pindard


Invoicing address: Cabinlocator Ltd, Oak Tree Cottage, Laytham, York, United Kingdom, YO42 4PP


Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

​​Sat - Sun: Email only


TotalSpan is one of the trading names used by the company Cabinlocator Ltd to support their range of portal frame buildings.

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