ToalSpan can supply steel structures specifically to support solar panels. This sustainable modular system is ideal for covering large areas such as car parks or rest stop areas. As a business, you can be in tune with the latest developments: the government’s green energy and CO2 requirements, whilst meeting the growing demand for charging facilities for electric vehicles in both workplaces and public spaces.
As a result you can achieve lower energy bills, a greener image and greater convenience for customers or employees who can charge their cars in a covered car park. You can also use the solar energy generated in your own offices or production environment, or sell it back to the grid and recoup a quick return on investment from as little as 4 years.
The buildings we provide are cold rolled steel frames that are bolted or cast into the concrete to create a secure fixing. Our software takes full account of wind and snow load factors applicable to the site location and elevation in the technical phase of the sales and order process.
The structures themselves are made consciously at a factory that focuses on the sustainability of its own operations and supply chain. Bringing a lot of the manufacturing in house to a solar-powered factory supports the vision that this is a considered product end-to-end.
Call the team today on 01757 289 067 to discuss how we can help you with your aircraft hanger kit building or email